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Revealed Bible Truth





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Revealed Bible Truth(圖1)-速報App

Revealed Truth is a Christian blog dedicated to teaching Bible Truth revealed in the Word of God, through Bible study.

The purpose of this app and the RevealedTruth.com website is to help Bible believing Christians understand the truth revealed in God’s Word, so they may grow spiritually, walk with God, and defend their faith.

The Revealed Truth ministry has three goals:

Revealed Bible Truth(圖2)-速報App

1. To glorify God by proclaiming the Truth revealed in His Word, the Bible

2. To help people know God and trust in Jesus as their Savior

3. To help Christians understand the Word of God, grow in faith, and walk with God

Revealed Bible Truth(圖3)-速報App

The primary topics we cover include: Salvation, Prayer, Bible Study (including Doctrine and Theology), Creation Science vs. Evolution, Spiritual Growth / Christian Living, Biblical Wisdom, the Will of God, Money, and Spiritual principles illustrated in the physical world.

Revealed Truth is a personal ministry of Bill Ogden, not associated with any church or denomination.

Questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. I have been studying the Bible every day for over 39 years and feel called to share what I have learned. I would love to help you by answering your questions.

Revealed Bible Truth(圖4)-速報App

About the Name: "Revealed Truth" captures the core purpose of my ministry. The goal of the Revealed Bible Truth app and associated website is to help people understand God’s Word by explaining the truth God has revealed in simple and easy to understand ways.

There is a lot of conflicting information these days. As in the days of Jesus, even many religious (Christian) leaders are mixing error in with their message. One hopes that these people are sincerely teaching what they believe, but error hurts the body of Christ whether it is intentional or not.

Paul said that even Satan (the father of lies) transforms himself into a minister of light. Some “Christian” leaders may be wolves in sheep’s clothing, tools of Satan, intentionally using their position to undermine Christianity and the gospel. Either way, the goal of this ministry is to shine the light of truth, so people can know and understand God’s Word, through Bible study.

Revealed Bible Truth(圖5)-速報App